The Careers Department plays a full and active part in the life of The Gilberd school and follows the statutory Guidance of the Gatsby Benchmarks’ requirements.

Careers Advice Team

Assistant Headteacher (CEIAG): Mr R Samjawon – [email protected]

Careers Support Administration: [email protected]

How The Gilberd School measures and assesses the impact of the Careers programme


A member of the Senior Leadership Team has strategic responsibility for CEIAG working in liaison with the Career Leader. The Career Leader writes the schemes of work and oversees the structure of delivery of CEIAG at this school, ensuring members of staff have access to relevant training where needed.


Monitoring, review and evaluation

The School monitors delivery in lessons by observations and learning walks, and student evaluation and feedback to inform future planning. Each year’s Department Improvement Plan is constructed to reflect the objectives outlined in the School Improvement Plan, and develop CEIAG provision further. An annual CEIAG survey is used to evaluate the quality of provision from a student perspective. Each student has a CEIAG folio/Record of achievement to track exposure to a range of events, contacts with employers and experiences.


Three areas of quality assurance that we take into consideration:

1) The quality of independent careers providers

2) The quality of careers professionals working in the school.

3) The date of the school’s next review of the information published

CEIAG Community 

At The Gilberd School, we would like to hear from any employers that would be willing to support our students with meaningful encounters in school. There are many ways in which your support can benefit our students and improve their prospects. Opportunities range from discussing your career pathway with an audience of students, to coaching students in interview technique. For more information, please see our Provider Access Policy and CEIAG Policy. You may contact The Careers Team by emailing [email protected].


Gilberd Alumni

The Gilberd School aims to build an alumni network to inspire our current students. There are many ways in which your experiences can benefit our students ranging from a careers profile on our Alumni Gallery to visiting the school and discussing your experiences with our Gilberdians. For more information, please contact The Careers Team by emailing [email protected].


What are the benchmarks?

The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define excellent career guidance,  which the Department of Education (DfE) expects schools and colleges to meet by the end of 2020. OFSTED will also want to see how the Raising Aspirations team and subjects are putting careers into the curriculum. Click on a number to read more about that benchmark!

As a school we have to have a careers programme in place for all year groups. Teachers, students, parents, governors and employers must have have access to our basic programme. Our programme can be found on the school website. Our programme involves careers lessons, form time activities, visits and workshops

CEIAG Overview- Academic Year 2024-25 

This benchmark allows students and parents to have access to good information about what jobs are available in their local area, what business are situated near them, what areas need more employees and which jobs might not exist in the future. Our students have access to up to date labour market information. Subject leaders can help students by talking about local businesses and new job roles that link to their subject.

Reed - A Guide To Starting Your Career

Reed -Salary Guides

Greater Essex Careers Hub

Essex Careers Magazine

Every student, and parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. Careerometer and Skillsometer enables our students to review and compare different occupations, what they involve and what the potential earnings can be.

Please use the interactive tools below.



All of our students have different career aspirations and will need different guidance at different points in their education. The careers guidance and education, needs to be tailored to reach students. During their time at school our students will have individual interviews to discuss their next stage, opportunities to visit businesses and further education and additional support if they require it.
We have invested in Unifrog to develop our delivery of careers. Unifrog is a careers application that allows our students to explore the information on all of the pathways that are available to them at each stage of their educational journey.  Our students are able to explore the many different careers available in the world of work and to obtain the information about what qualifications and experience would be needed. CEIAG Team who lead the careers provision within the school are also able to monitor and provide help based on the information students and teachers input into the Unifrog application and to monitor that the provision is being made in line with the Gatsby benchmarks. Gatsby benchmarks are a set of criteria provided to schools to help them in the delivery of careers education and are a measure which could be used by Ofsted when carrying out an inspection.

All teachers link careers to their subject area. Students can’t choose the best career path for themselves if they don’t know what jobs are out there. By adding in careers information into lessons students can understand the variety of jobs on offer. Students can often say what subjects they enjoy but can’t often say what jobs they could go into with a love for that subject. Lessons can also include employability skills such as presentation, team work and leadership.


Careers in Subjects

My Learning My Future

Students need to have multiple encounters with employers so they can learn what the world of work is like. The CEIAG team work with lots of different businesses but subject staff can also bring in employers as well – this could be to do a talk, run workshops or be a virtual talk.


Careers Convention
The Gilberd school runs a Careers Convention where representatives of reputable businesses, careers advisors, training providers, academic and vocational professionals from Institutions of Higher and Further Education attend The Gilberd’s Careers Convention. The aim of the evening is to help enable our students make informed choices as to their post 16 destinations in work-based training or further education.

Careers Convention Photo Gallery

Mock Interviews Year 10
The aim of the day is to enable our students to access as much information as possible, thus allowing them to be ready for their interviews into further education or the business sector. The Year 10 students have completed their personal statements during their Careers Future Skills lessons. Their completed statements have been sent to our database of HE and colleagues from local businesses, who will interview students for 20 minutes each and then give them feedback on their performance.  This experience builds the confidence of our students, making a valuable contribution to their personal development.

Mock Interview Photo Gallery

Student comments:
“I enjoyed today as I was able to put my best self forward. The interview was very helpful even though I was a bit nervous at first. The paperwork I was given was very positive and had comments about how my interview went. It is an even worth attending as it has helped me to prepare for my work experience as well for my future College Interviews. “Joseph Hearn
 “Today’s experience was very good; the external providers were friendly and helped me prepare for my work experience interview. The person that interviewed me focused on my strengths and weaknesses in the interview, how I should respond to certain questions and that I should set my bar high to get where I want to. I took everything that he told me on board and should definitely improve next time I have an interview, which should be sometime soon”. Sarah King
“I think that the interviews that went on today were excellent as they gave us an experience of what a real work interview will be like. The interviewers were friendly and helped me prepare for any interview I will take later on in life. The interviewer went through a few questions, and judged on how well I did. This will allow me to see what I was good at, and let me know what to improve on. I think it is worth doing next year, as having an idea of what one will be like, is useful” Grace Ou

All Year 10 students go out on work experience which takes place during the school academic year.  Work experience is an unpaid opportunity for students to experience working life as well as a chance for them to develop and practice new skills and become more confident in their abilities. An information evening for parents is arranged at the school early in the academic year by our work experience providers providing accurate information regarding the procedures and expectations associated with this important piece of careers guidance.

Work experience summaries

Access Insurance  Avalon  Brook Farm Stables  Network Rail  Norwich Theatre Royal  Colchester Zoo  City of London Police
Click here to view virtual work experience opportunities
Virtual Apprenticeships and Job Fair 7th July
Virtual Internships
Live Online Event: Medicine Application Timeline – Getting Ready

All students must have access to impartial advice about their career choices. We employ and are very luck to have careers advisor who works with our students, in year 10 and 11.



Colchester Institute - Adminissions
Colchester Sixth Form College - Admissions
Colchester Royal Grammar School Admissions
St Joseph's College - Adminssions
Suffolk New/Rural College - Admissions
Suffolk One - Admissions

Apprenticeships are a combination of working and studying and can be done in a range of different subjects and areas. They range from level 2 apprenticeships up to degree level apprenticeships. Students can research and apply for an apprenticeship directly from their Unifrog account. For more information about what apprenticeships can offer, have a look at the latest parent pack provided by Amazing Apprenticeships:

Webiste: www.apprenticeships.gov.uk
Website: www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk  Details of local and national apprenticeships

Business Links

Finally, as part of our work both supporting students in their aspirations and also helping them to engage with their local community, we have developed the following business links:
Royal Navy
Willmott Dixon
Civil Service
Morrisons Water Services
Formula 1 
Website: www.getmyfirstjob.co.uk Details: Help, support and opportunities for young people finding their first job
Website: www.gov.uk/jobsearch Details: The job search website for Jobcentre Plus
Website: www.learnliveuk.com/careers/ Details: Connecting learners to Employers

First institution (Accountancy and Finance) for further information contact [email protected].


Guide to Higher Education for Under 16’s
Website: www.ucas.com Details: UCAS – Organisation responsible for managing applications to Higher Education courses
Website: www.prospects.ac.uk Details: overview of graduate opportunities
Website: www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk Details: Teaching Excellence Framework provides information on teaching provision and student outcomes at Higher Education Institutions in the UK
Website: www.topuniversities.com/universities/country/united-kingdom Details: UK ranking of universities
Website: www.universitycompare.com A comprehensive university comparison site, offering students resources, tools, student discounts and university stats and rankings.

Website: www.theuniguide.co.uk

Study abroad opportunities
Website: www.fulbright.org.uk   Details: Fulbright Commission – studying in the USA
Website: www.astarfuture.co.uk   Details: A Star Future – study opportunities outside of the UK

Gap Year opportunities
Website: www.projects-abroad.co.uk   Details: Projects Abroad- placements in 28 different countries ranging from volunteering with children, conservation work and internships
Website: www.raleighinternational.org  Details: Rayleigh International- they use young volunteers for projects that have a positive impact locally and globally
Website: www.podvolunteer.org  Details: Pod Volunteer – placements with animals; building and community; conservation; childcare; education
Website: www.sportlived.co.uk  Details: Sport Lived – placements in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

Different employment sectors
Creative & Digital Sector Exploration Links and Resources:
Creative Careers
Screenskills (Screen Industries) 
Accenture Digital Skills Courses

Engineering & Manufacturing Sector Exploration Links and Resources:
‘Young Engineers’
Royal Academy of Engineering

Construction Sector Exploration Links and Resources
WOW Show for construction special

Health & Social Care Sector Exploration and Resources
WOW Show Healthcare special
NHS Careers
Health Care/Key Workers ‘Career Chat’ with Inspiring the Future

Renewables Sector Exploration Links and Resources
Bright Network

General Sector Exploration Links and Resources
National Careers Service
BBC Bitesize Careers
Springpod Learn Lounge Live and interactive talks
LMI For All
Career Pilot
I could ..
Take a virtual tour around these businesses to get an idea of what it is like to work there
I can be a … 
Department for Education Careers Films

Clubs, societies, and volunteering

Website: www.vinspired.com Details: Connects 14- 25 year olds with volunteering opportunities in England
Website: www.ncvo.org.uk  Details: Volunteering in England
Website: www.volunteeressex.org Details: Volunteering in Essex
Website: www.dofe.org Details: The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award – Bronze, Silver, and Gold standards
Website: www.scouts.org.uk Details: Join the global scouting community
Website: www.girlguiding.org.uk Details: Join the global girlguiding community