House System

House System


The House system at The Gilberd School exists purely to enhance a sense of community and foster a culture of friendly competition. Each year group is divided into 6 houses (Austen, Franklin, Holmes, Penney, Shackleton, Wren), with 2 forms in each. Upon transition to the school, each new student is allocated to a form and house and presented with a house badge that is worn on the right collar of their blazer. In Years 9 and 10, student leaders are appointed to the roles of House Captain, Deputy House Captain, Sports Captain and Deputy Sports Captain. A range of competitions take place each academic year culminating in Sports Day. To win the coveted Gilberd Cup, a house must accrue the highest number of points in a range of competitions across the year groups (see below). To learn about the houses, take a moment to read their summary biographies by selecting the link to the right.

Our houses were re-named after extensive consultation with the student leadership body and the History Department in 2018. It should be remembered that they are mostly historical figures. They represent either an accomplishment, a significant milestone in history or are strongly associated with the school. They were not selected on the basis that their personal views or every aspect of their conduct would meet with approval in a rapidly shifting contemporary social and political landscape. As an educational establishment, it is our duty to ensure that the actions of historical figures are seen in context. We aim to educate our students in a way that leaves them with a pragmatic and nuanced view of the world and with a mind opened and free to form sound personal and moral opinions of their own.

Inter-house competitions

Name Organisation Award
Choral competition (Year 7)

Each form sings their own arrangement of one of 3 songs. They are coached by Year 10 Mentors and Arts


The Choral Competition Cup
Public speaking competition (Year 7) Each form class attends a one-day public speaking workshop. The best performing students from each house go forward to the finals.

Best in form receive the Public Speaking badge.


Winners and runners up receive the Golden Eagle or tie pin.

The Challenge Cup (Year 7 & 8) A range of competitions built into the tutorial programme. The Challenge Cup
Sports Day A one-day event covering a range of competitive team and track events.

Medals for individual winners.


The Sports Day Cup.


Points for each competition are aggregated in each year group as follows:


5 for first place

4 for second place

3 for third place

2 for fourth place

1 for fifth place

0 for sixth place


Maximum aggregate score: 70

The Gilberd Cup.